NASA Crabfeast 2017
When: Saturday September 23, 2017 Noon - 6pm Advanced Ticket Sales Only
What: All You Can Eat Steamed Crabs, Pulled Pork, Chicken, Brats, Sides, and Deserts!
Homebrewed and Commercial Craft Cask Ales, Beer, Sodas, and Water
Games for Adults and Kids, Swings and Jungle Jims, Cornhole & Horseshoes!
Live Bands: Bendt Fendyr and the Band Tanager!
7th Annual Homebrew Challenge: Bring your Homebrewed Beer to the crab feast for a chance to win $50 and prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. This is a Hedonistic event for one winner "Best of Show" by popular vote from attendees at the event. Your entry ticket is used for YOUR VOTE! Sample the entries, write the number of your favorite beer on your ticket and drop it in the Ballot Box!
What to Bring: Homebrew Beer (we have the ice taken care of), Your favorite mallot or crab pickin knife, and Yourself!
Come and Have Some Fun, Meet New Friends and Join the Family....